
Some of our most recent publications.


  1. ha2024guided.png
    Guided By AI: Navigating Trust, Bias, and Data Exploration in AI-Guided Visual Analytics
    Sunwoo HaShayan Monadjemi, and Alvitta Ottley
    In Computer Graphics Forum, 2024
  2. ge2024toward.png
    Toward a More Comprehensive Understanding of Visualization Literacy
    Lily W Ge, Maryam Hedayati, Yuan Cui, and 13 more authors
    ACM CHI, 2024
  3. crouser2024building.png
    Building and Eroding: Exogenous and Endogenous Factors that Influence Subjective Trust in Visualization
    R Jordan Crouser, Syrine Matoussi, Lan Kung, and 3 more authors
    IEEE VIS, 2024
  4. ha2024confides.png
    ConFides: A Visual Analytics Solution for Automated Speech Recognition Analysis and Exploration
    Sunwoo Ha, Chaehun Lim, R Jordan Crouser, and 1 more author
    IEEE VIS, 2024
  5. ottley2024dance.png
    The Dance of Logic and Unpredictability: Examining the Predictability of User Behavior on Visual Analytics Tasks
    Alvitta Ottley
    VISIGRAPP, 2024


  1. bancilhon2023improving.png
    Improving Evaluation Using Visualization Decision-Making Models: A Practical Guide
    Melanie BancilhonLace Padilla, and Alvitta Ottley
    In Visualization Psychology, 2023
  2. battle2023we.png
    What Do We Mean When We Say “Insight”? A Formal Synthesis of Existing Theory
    Leilani Battle, and Alvitta Ottley
    IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2023
  3. battle2023exactly.png
    What Exactly is an Insight? A Literature Review
    Leilani Battle, and Alvitta Ottley
    2023 IEEE Visualization and Visual Analytics (VIS), 2023
  4. pandey2023you.png
    Do You Trust What You See? Toward A Multidimensional Measure of Trust in Visualization
    In 2023 IEEE Visualization and Visual Analytics (VIS), 2023
  5. pandey2023mini.png
    Mini-VLAT: A Short and Effective Measure of Visualization Literacy
    Saugat Pandey, and Alvitta Ottley
    Computer Graphics Forum, In Proceedings of the 25th EG Conference on Visualization (EuroVis), 2023
    :trophy: BEST PAPER AWARD
  6. monadjemi2023human.jpg
    Human-Computer Collaboration for Visual Analytics: an Agent-based Framework
    Shayan MonadjemiMengtian GuoDavid Gotz, and 2 more authors
    Computer Graphics Forum, In Proceedings of the 25th EG Conference on Visualization (EuroVis), 2023
  7. bancilhon2023combining.png
    Why Combining Text and Visualization Could Improve Bayesian Reasoning: A Cognitive Load Perspective
    Melanie Bancilhon, Amanda Wright, Sunwoo Ha, and 2 more authors
    In Proceedings of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2023


  1. suh2022inferential.png
    Inferential Tasks as an Evaluation Technique for Visualization
    Ashley Suh, Ab Mosca, Shannon Robinson, and 4 more authors
    In Proceedings of the 24th EG Conference on Visualization, 2022
    :trophy: BEST PAPER AWARD
  2. monadjemi2022guided.jpg
    Guided Data Discovery in Interactive Visualizations via Active Search
    Shayan MonadjemiSunwoo Ha, Quan Nguyen, and 3 more authors
    In Proceedings of IEEE Visualization and Visual Analytics (VIS), 2022
  3. ha2022unified.png
    A Unified Comparison of User Modeling Techniques for Predicting Data Interaction and Detecting Exploration Bias
    Sunwoo HaShayan MonadjemiRoman Garnett, and 1 more author
    IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, In Proceedings of IEEE Visualization and Visual Analytics (VIS), 2022
  4. kumar2022vizxp.png
    Vizxp: A visualization framework for conveying explanations to users in model reconciliation problems
    Ashwin Kumar, Stylianos Loukas Vasileiou, Melanie Bancilhon, and 2 more authors
    In Proceedings of the International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling, 2022
  5. gathani2022grammar.png
    A Grammar-Based Approach for Applying Visualization Taxonomies to Interaction Logs
    Sneha Gathani, Shayan MonadjemiAlvitta Ottley, and 1 more author
    In Computer Graphics Forum, In Proceedings of the 24th EG Conference on Visualization (EuroVis), 2022
  6. battle2022testing.png
    Testing theories of task in visual analytics
    Leilani Battle, and Alvitta Ottley
    ACM Interactions, 2022


  1. kumar2021fairvizard.png
    FairVizARD: A Visualization System for Assessing Fairness of Ride-Sharing Matching Algorithms
    Ashwin Kumar, Sanket Shah, Meghna Lowalekar, and 3 more authors
    In Proceedings of the International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS), 2021
  2. mosca2021does.png
    Does interaction improve bayesian reasoning with visualization?
    Ab MoscaAlvitta Ottley, and Remco Chang
    In Proceedings of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2021


  1. wayllace2020dragon.png
    DRAGON-V: Detection and Recognition of Airplane Goals with Navigational Visualization.
    Christabel Wayllace, Sunwoo Ha, Yuchen Han, and 4 more authors
    In Proceedings of Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), 2020
  2. crouser2020investigating.png
    Investigating the role of locus of control in moderating complex analytic workflows
    R Jordan CrouserAlvitta Ottley, Kendra Swanson, and 1 more author
  3. monadjemi2020competing.png
    Competing Models: Inferring Exploration Patterns and Information Relevance via Bayesian Model Selection
    Shayan MonadjemiRoman Garnett, and Alvitta Ottley
    IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2020
  4. xu2020survey.png
    Survey on the analysis of user interactions and visualization provenance
    Kai Xu, Alvitta Ottley, Conny Walchshofer, and 3 more authors
    Computer Graphics Forum, 2020
  5. liu2020survey.png
    Survey on individual differences in visualization
    Zhengliang Liu, R Jordan Crouser, and Alvitta Ottley
    In Computer Graphics Forum, 2020
  6. ottley2020adaptive.png
    Adaptive and Personalized Visualization
    Alvitta Ottley
    Synthesis Lectures on Visualization, 2020
  7. bancilhon2020let.png
    Let’s Gamble: How a Poor Visualization Can Elicit Risky Behavior
    Melanie Bancilhon, Zhengliang Liu, and Alvitta Ottley
    In IEEE Visualization Conference (VIS), 2020
  8. bancilhon2020did.png
    Did You Get The Gist Of It? Understanding How Visualization Impacts Decision-Making
    Melanie Bancilhon, and Alvitta Ottley
    In VisPych Workshop, IEEE VIS, 2020


  1. ottley2019follow.png
    Follow the clicks: Learning and anticipating mouse interactions during exploratory data analysis
    Alvitta OttleyRoman Garnett, and Ran Wan
    Computer Graphics Forum, 2019