Ruimin Gao,
Tianjin University,
Han Tao, Tianjin
Jiawan Zhang, Tianjin University,
Hui Chen, Tianjin University,
Wentao Wang, Tianjin University,
Student Team: YES
Studio 2012
Approximately how many hours were spent
working on this submission in total?
150 hours
May we post your submission in the
Visual Analytics Benchmark Repository after VAST Challenge 2014 is complete?
– Provide a visual
representation of the structure of the Protectors of Kronos
network, with supporting evidence.
a. Who are the leaders?
b. Who is part of the extended
c. How has the group structure
and organization changed over time?
d. Where are the potential
connections between the POK and GAStech?
novel visualizations appropriate for communicating key information to the busy
leaders of the investigation. Please limit your response to no more than eight
images and 500 words.
a. Who are the leaders?
Henk Bodrogi, Elian Karel, Silvia Marek
Elian Krel can be a possible leader, infered from its location and the word cloud)
Other person who was selected to find information)
b. Who is part of the extended
POK member information and relationships with others were sorted from articles
and historical documents. This extended network involved:
POK Leaders:
1st-Henk Bodrogi, 2nd-Elian Krel, 3rd-Silvia Marek
POK first
7-citizen group members: Carmine Osvaldo, Jeroen Karel, Valentine Mies, Joreto Katell,
Yanick Cato, Ale L.Hanne
important POK members: Silvia Marek, Lucio Jakab, Lorenzo Di Stefano, Mandor Vann, Isia Vann
POK-Relatives(normal people): Juliana
Vann(the girl who died for toxicity pollution), Neske
Vann, Lemual Vann(parents)
GAStech employees: Sten Sanjorge Jr(CEO), Hank Fluss(co-founder of GAStech),
Ingrid Barranco(CFO), Ada
Campo-Corrente(CIO), Willem
Vasco-Pais(Environmental Officer), Orhan Strum(COO), Petrus Gerhard(GAStech correspondent), Carmine Gurganus(GAStech spokeman)
President Kapelou, Vincent Kapelou(current Minister of
Health), Cesare Nespola(ex
Minister of Health), Adrien Carmen(Police spokeman), Rufus Dymian(Government
The Social Network of important people that appeared in news and
c. How has the group structure
and organization changed over time?
POK has changed from a small 7-citizen group to a large resistant organization
with over 200 members. In 1997, some Kronos citizens
founded POK, fighting for clean water and better health condition. Henk Bodrogi was the 1st
leader. After death of Juliana Vann(died for
pollution), POK grew much larger on account of people’s fury and sympathy. After
losing help from government (minister of health died in 2001), 1st
leader stepped down, Elian Karel became the 2nd leader. During 2002~2005,
POK focused on recruiting and it became even larger. Mandor
Vann joined POK in 2004, Silvia Marek and her group
SOW joined POK in 2005. In 2009, Elian Karel died.
Silvia Marek became the 3rd leader, her weak control gave chance to criminals and
radicals to succeed POK. As conflicts became more frequent, POK became more
radical over time.
(Fig-1.4: Tineline of POK’s big events and organization changing
trend, zoomable and draggable.)
(Fig-1.5, Fig-1.6: Comparison of selecting different events on
POK structure changes, network is changed based on the events)
d. Where are the potential
connections between the POK and GAStech?
Answer: GAStech affects Kronos’ environment and POK’s action. All the events
afterwards indicates GAStech
has potential connection with POK, otherwise the kidnapping would not happened
smoothly. We have reasons to assume there are undercover employees in GAStech who truly serve POK.
Employees who share the same last
name with POK members are among suspects.
After Elian Karel’s
death in 2009, POK may arrange undercover employees. People who get into GAStech after 2009 are more suspicious.
Employees born in Kronos are more suspicious than those born in Tethys.
Employees from Security Department
and Equipment Department are more suspicious.
Isia Vann is a POK member worked in GAStech.
He is the most important connection of POK and GAStech.
Employees close to him and people who have suspicious profile are more likely
to be connections between POK and GAStech.
Suspects: Isia Vann, Claudio Hawelon, Minke Mies, Hennie Osvaldo,
Loreto Bodrogi, Inga Ferro
right chord graph showed suspicious mail topics and participants
network. Left-up part showed sorting conditions.)
MC1.2 – Describe the events of January 20-21, 2014. What is the timeline
of events? Please limit your response to no more than ten images and 500 words.
Total form of the timeline, consisting of Events lane and Topic lane, and a draggable, zoomable navigator)
9:26 - GAStech was going to
celebrate an initial public offering in the morning
10:15 - Suddenly a fire alarm went off in GAStech, but there is no evidence of fire or smoke. This
aroused employees’ concerns and made a big mess, giving chance for other people
to enter GAStech.
10:30 - The Abila fire
officials received calls and arrived at GAStech.
There is still no sign of fire or bomb threat.
10:40 - After meeting, executives were supposed to enter the
capitol building for a sponsor reception. However, only CEO was seen to arrive
at the capitol, others were not with him and not seen after morning meeting.
11:57 - CEO did not reappear in front of public after
entering the capitol, nor did other employees. The whereabouts of executives
became mysterious.
11:58 - spokesman announced it was a false alarm and not
a planned fire drill. This unusual phenomenon was likely to be a fear-mongering
action and someone mat intend to create a mess with some ulterior motives.
12:20 - the Abila police was
called to investigate.
12:30 - A private jet took off from the Abila airport with 8 bussness-type
people. (The identities were not known for now, but according to the events and
reports afterward, it turned out to be caring one of the missing executives: GAStech CEO. He went to Tethys and send
back his private jet to Kronos.)
For the next few hours, many executives were not
available for calls. They were possibly missing according to afterwards
14:30 - Another private jet left for Rome. Italy, it has
no connection with GAStech.
15:40 - Some suspicious man in black (confirmed as
caterers) were seen before the fire alarm, but police could not find them
19:00 – Edward Vann was questioned for 6 hours because of
his suspicious last name, indicating POK was involved.
19:47 - it was reported that 14 employees were missing,
including 5 executives: CEO, CIO, CFO, COO and Environmental Officer.
20:21 - police and government first confirmed that a
kidnapping had taken place in headquarters of GAStech
in the morning. And they are working on it.
9:00 - a news conference was held in the morning. It
updated the number of missing from 14 to 10, meanwhile
announcing CEO was not among the missing and was safe in Tethys. He was in
transit to capitol for reception when kidnapping took place. And according to
the jet information, he might arrived at Tethys for
safety and then sent men to help the investigation.
11:45 - Correspondent Petrus
Gerhard contacted the reporters from an unknown place, writing that POK
secretly contacted him to convey message without obstacles from government.
12:00 - POK made a
striking announcement to claim their position and incite people to fight for
their homeland, fight against environmental destroyer GAStech,
as well as the Kronos government that colluded with GAStech and pay little attention to homeland environment
and people’s living. At last, POK asked for $20 million ransom from GAStech CEO.
MC1.3 – Identify at least two possible explanations why the GAStech employees may be missing. What evidence do you have
to support each of these explanations? Please limit your response to no more
than three additional images and 200 words.
The missing employees are hostages
of POK. POK wants to strike GAStech, request ransom
and keep hostage to gain attention from both GAStech
and public, and gain profit.
Evidence:GAStech has been
ignoring their requests of clean water and better health conditions for years.
It colludes with government, leading to an even worse situation. POK wanted to
revenge Juliana and 2nd leader Elian Karel
who died in prison. 3rd leader Silvia Marek’s
weak control made POK became more radical these years so they may use violent
methods to get what they want.
(Fig-3.1: POK’s radical movements trend)
The kidnapping was planned by POK
united with some GAStech employees to achieve a
win-win aim. GAStech inner employees may collude POK
secretly for self-profit (They can share the $20 Million ransom). So these
undercover employees might be missing as well.
Evidence: after the fire alarm, a helicopter left from
building roof. It might be the inner employee escaping and giving the alibi. Isia Vann (a POK member working in GAStech)
has close link with secretary of CIO, and some other employees inside GAStech. CEO holds 55% share, while executives only have
less than 10% in total. Employees might desire the wealth of CEO and GAStech.
(Fig-3.2: Helicopter event in traffic events)
(Fig-3.3: Isia Vann
in contact with Rachel Pantanal, secretary of GAStech CIO)